Katha (story behind artefact): Shiva, the embodiment of destruction in the trinity of Brahma and Vishnu, is the most ascetic of all gods; he eschews all material comfort. His avatar as Nataraja, the Lord of Dance, is his most widely used representation. It embodies his five qualities: protection, through the abhaya mudra; creation, through the drum; destruction, through the agni; grounding, through the one foot on the earth, and release, through the foot raised aloft. An auspicious symbol for Shaivites, bring this same energy of creation, protection and release into your space, and let this figurine serve as reminder of always being grounded, and the value of destruction when necessary.
Riti (method): The Dokra art has endured for centuries, and has immortalised symbols integral to the culture of India. Its metal casting techniques have proven invaluable to preserving ancient traditions. Learn more about the symbolism embedded in the Dokra style of casting in this blog!